During your turn, you can command any member of your team to attack an adjacent opponent. The "Blood" in Blood Bowl mostly comes from blocks – attacks against enemy players. Whether the player succeeds in moving away from an adjacent opponent is of course decided by dice rolls. While the enemy can't directly attack you during your turn, adjacent opponents have a chance to knock the moving player down, leading to a turnover. Movement also carries a risk when an opposing team member stands adjacent to the player who tries to move. Fail the die roll and the player falls over, causing a turnover.

The player can also move at least two spaces beyond the safe range by "Going For It." Each of these "GFI" spaces requires a successful die roll, adding some risk to going for that extra yardage. The movement range includes a safe distance within which the player can move without the need for a die roll. Moving players is simple enough – each player has a movement range based on his position, species, and level. But you do get one Blitz action per turn, which allows a single player to both move and block during that turn. Most players who move can't block during the same turn.

During your team's turn, you can initiate a variety of actions with your players, including moving, blocking (tackles and pushes), fouls (hitting a downed opponent), picking up the ball, and passing.